The First Home of Christian Faith in Woburn

First Church of Woburn
322 Main Street
Woburn, MA

We are back in our building for Sunday services in the chapel at 10:30 AM.

Weekly Prayer Meeting is held in-person at the church in the chapel at 7 PM on Wednesday and Bible Study is in the chapel at 7 PM on Friday. Participants also can join the Wednesday evening Prayer Meeting online by contacting This is  the  most  important  meeting  of  the  week  at  our  church. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and the door shall be opened unto you.”

You also are invited to join Pastor Freddy in prayer at 9:30 AM before the Sunday worship service.

Live streaming of Sunday worship service

A Church for Believers Across the Eras

The First Church of Woburn was established in the same year as the founding of the City of Woburn in 1642, but the Church had a deeper founding upon the Eternal Rock, Jesus Christ.

We invite you to experience the transforming power of God’s grace, peace, and love through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Worship the Lord with us right here in our historic sanctuary every Sunday at 10:30 AM.  Join us for a weekly Prayer Meeting on Wednesday evenings at the church or through Zoom.

Contact us at any time to get answers to your spiritual needs, especially as concerns about COVID persist.

When more of our in-person meetings resume, find out about these special events, including our vibrant men’s and women’s ministries.

We look forward to sharing this journey of faith in Jesus with you!

Regular Events

Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting

Every Wednesday evening at 7 PM in-person at the church in the 1642 Room or online. Contact to join online.

Men’s and Women’s Breakfasts [To Be Resumed]

Saturday mornings monthly except for summer months (check our events page)

Please visit our Events page to confirm dates and times or to find out about special holiday events.

Follow us @firstchurchwoburn